Nattabi Juliet Kigongo
Nattabi Juliet Kigongo (PhD in Aquaculture, Post graduate Diploma (Sustainable. Aquaculture), MSc. Environmental Science and Technology, Certificate in Limnology, BSC. (Zoology, Psychology).
Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University, P.O.BOX 7062 Kampala Uganda
Tel: Office +256-414-531902 /
Mobile: +256-772-495417 / Fax: +256-414-531061
Nattabi Juliet Kigongo is an Aquatic Scientist with vast knowledge in the following areas in Limnology and wetland ecosystem management and environmental aspects as regards to water. She also has recently been engaged in Aquaculture (Farming of Fish) including indoor culture including Recirculation Aquaculture Systems (RAS), Tanks, fish hatchery management as well as outdoor culture systems including cage and pond culture.