Zoology Aquaria

As a centre of excellence in training for the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Uganda at the degree level, ZEFS Department has recently revamped the aquarium facility with an outdoor aquarium located at the College of Natural Sciences main JICA building which is of aesthetic value fully stocked with both exotic and endemic fish species i.e gold fish , mirror carp , blue lips and barbus. The department also boasts of having an indoor aquarium facility with 17 tanks run on a flow through system in located at basement of the New Zoology building(NZ) . It is used as a study facility for internship of students and research projects and will soon be a hub promoting urban aquaculture based on the tank system which is not very common for now and value addition .Currently it is stocked with the following fish species majorly harnessed from the Lake Nabugabo ecosystem are manly traditional fish species including Lung fish(mamba),Barbus (Kisinja), Ctenopoma muriei(Ocellated Labyrinth Fish),Tilapia ;ngege including Tilapia variabilis ,Oreochormis niloiticus,Catfishes including among others male , Nsonzi and the African Lampeye Killifish. Most of these are extinct and are currently kept for study purposes and research for later reintroduction in the wild The aquarium also boasts of having exotic species including gold fish and mirror carp.