PhD Defense By Mr. Inuwa Badamasi

The Dean-School of Bioscience invites you for a PhD Public defense (PhD Zoology) by Mr Inuwa Badamasi slated for 1st October 2021 starting at 9:00am virtually (via Zoom).
Title: "Xenoestrogenic Substances and Sexual Disruption in Selected Fish Species from Lake Victoria, Uganda".
The supervisors are: 1) Assoc. Prof. Charles Masembe and
2) Dr. Robinson Odong
The discussant is Dr. Wilson Waiswa Mwanja, Chairperson of the Management Committee of the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI), Uganda.
Below is the Zoom link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 797 866 7215
Passcode: 994632